Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ebook "Wine like fascination of life" * nature's beauty, nature's wisdom, etc

 The ebook/book ought to be available in the Amazon internet bookshops, with unlimited copying allowed, the ebook costing about 1usd, with immediate download, https://www.amazon.com/Wine-like-fascination-life-introducing-ebook/dp/B0D8WHSF5P?ref_=ast_author_dp (a fine front cover, I would say) 

You can read it as a blog, starting from the earliest posts, at CLICK THE LINK: Winelikefascination.blogSpot.com It is a free blog, just choose some text thst you like to begin with, NONALCOHOLIC, UTTER BEAUTY OF NATURE AND WISDOM OF FEELINGS, PLUS LEARN TALENTS, ETC . Too much such for just reading through, more like for a few occasions or so. 

24th of July 2024   In yesterday's news a picture of a forest fire in Portugal, somehow wine resembling style https://yle.fi/a/74-20101060 

I wonder, I wrote the book "Wine like fascination of life" or just collected the texts to it, since some were so much wushing for wine like weathers, and handicapped for softening, some young adults for better life, etc, and since the text Dwenda in the beginning of my book "Of walkkbg in beauty" seemed so outrageous to many, and partly maybe since the miracle healing advices appear too good for many. So I thought, I remembered, that the name of the book was "...of life" instead of the flat academical sounding "...in life". The book was a collection of texts snd linjs of which even one could be like raising a glass for the glory, love etc of life, could make one feel emotionally well or momentarily quite well kn a lasting way, lift the spirits so. So I wonder how can thr name of the nook be in different style? Has somebody else changed it to suit their own wines instead of rhyming it with my texts? 

From my blog LearnTalents3.BlogSpot.com today (the three pictures in between do not belong to the book) : 

suit their own wines instead of rhyming it with my texts? 



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"Of those upon the Earth fighting against those orbiting the Earth"

 You can downliad the book for free from  https://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/ofthoseupontheEarth.docx   It ought to be soon avail...