Friday, July 12, 2024

WISDOM OF LIFE: Book "Of walking in beauty" + the series * nature's beauty, wisdom of feelings, etc

 You can downlodd the ebook for free from 

Or you can soon buy it from for about 1usd, with unlimited copying right. 


( The text about the name Dwenda ought to be in the beginning of the book "Of walking in beauty", the text , but the other texts, except the first mention after Novaja Zemlja, is in the book "Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life", but other texts are maknly only in the blog , if I remember right. )

The videos connected with the texts, you ought to be able to find at 

* * *

I formed a new series "Of walking in beauty". At least to begin with, it includes the books: 

Of walking in beauty

Weather skills for all climates

Living with the Four Seasons

A sorcerer, books 1. - 3.

My translations of some poems of Eino Leino and Kalevala

Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life

Wonderful, miracle like beings

Magnifient views: and nice to live in

Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living 

From the pile there are the three latest books lacking 

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"Of those upon the Earth fighting against those orbiting the Earth"

 You can downliad the book for free from   It ought to be soon avail...