Easy nice Miracle Healing Advices, Ihmeparannusohjeita, "Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla" osat I-III

 The Finnish originals, some 1450 pages of miracle healing advices : 

"Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla", osat I - III,  kirj. Kaisa Hannele Tervola, ovat blogissa parantamisesta.blogspot.com joka on nyt pari vuotta löytynyt myös osoitteella www.parantaminen.info . Kirjoina ne ja jos haluaa, niin ihmeparannusohjeet erillusenä vihkosena voi ostaa www.amazon.com nettikirjakaupasta, tekijä Kaisa Hannele Tervola. 

In English, see the blog curingguesses.blogspot.com 

Read especially my translation of the index, at https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html  , to which there is nowadays the shorter link Www.EasyHealing.info 

At https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2023/05/google-translation-of-old-finnish-index.html there is a translation, found by Google or by my browser, of the indexes with cure guesses after each roughly referred illness. In the beginning of the blog there are some tens of advices well translated, but because of cultural, climate, etc differencies, the index just helps in guessing while most of the healing advices have to be figured out and written down by locals of each place.

The advices are nice and help immediately after reading and understanding, or do not affect at all. So it is ok to read the indexes or the text when one has a free time like way of studying. If one reads whole entries also when bladdring the indexes, it does not make one feel like reading about medicine.

The healing advices consist of pieces of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life according to positive feelings. If you want to help somelbe, it ought to be enough to read aloud the pieces which seem to help.

But there may be sabotage, so if something isn't nice in a healthy way, or if the approach is evil or burdened by illnesses or by lack of healthy common sense, those may be written by others or just do not work, so don't follow them. 

I just came to think that a female thinker who has written 1450 pages easy nice miracle healing advices, maybe cannot have a husband without extra dames wishing to learn such from him. So maybe there could be a possibility for some large groups (like for example big countries (China?, Brazil?, USA?,...), each for their own type) adopting the task. 

Some (/most texts from the) earlier versions of the blogs can be bought as books or ebooks at the Amazon internet bookshops. 


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