Thursday, December 19, 2024

Maybe my most liked texts

(Obs. I write about learning high skills, talents and wisdom of life. My texts are not stories, even though the subjects may be interesting in a tale like way.  Kaisa Hannele Tervola) 


Some of my friendly tale figure like SKILLS blogs :  ( via that also feeling robots, paradise theory and of animals in space )

Study in the Christmas gnomes/ elves internet institute to become a Christmas gnome, an elf, an angel, a hero, a miracle healer, an emperor and/or a composer : i.e. starting from 

Skills for a Christnas gnome / elf like life year around, world-wide, in the modern world  (dream job or a job that one likes and a town that one likes to live in, etc plus lots of wisdom of life, talents, etc, a long series of books teaching skills, talents and wisdom of life ) 

"A sorcerer" i.e. 

Other subjects: 

" Magnifient views : and nice to live in" 

"Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" 

Easy nice healing advices, by mentioning the typically most lacking piece of healthy natural ways of living and by wisdom of life according to positive feelings, plus miracle healing advices i.e. my blog  , ( parantaminen terveiden elämäntapojen ja tunteidenmukaisen elämänviisauden avulla, sekä ihmeparannusohjeita ) 

"Work and Feelings" 

"Living with the four seasons" and maybe also "Weather skills for all climates" 

* * *

21st of December 2024   

"Start a career as a Christmas gnome! 

 Study for a career as a Christmas gnome. Nice life year around with meaningful achievements that are wise in the world. See  ( ) " 


7th of Fenbruary 2025 

20th of February 2025 

23rd of February 2025   Some sports philosophy (the English texts lately at) 

( 1st of March 2025   Good to notice: Of the difference of a story figure and story figure like life of a being ) 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Like a treasure chest (Click the links! ) of jewels


(Picture ID 322665263 @ Olena Demydenko | )

( I noticed that I need to add something about crayons too,  

I once tried making edges to my paintings:

8th of November 2024    " I have no money, things go ashtray because of people attacking, lying as if I or my home or my reputation were a treasure chest. I am not, those are not at all. But my books and blogs are like a treasure chest of thousands of advices in learning much wanted skills and talents in life and in the world! 

To get some idea of these texts, start by reading my page and some texts at links from there. Start for example by reading about emperor's power! And of the heroes of the old times... 

So I am a writer, and common sense would suggest that you would buy my books or ebooks from , if you are interested in these thousands of treasures! If a writer does not get books sold, the texts also disappear into the mass of books in the world. Of Christmas gnomes there are over 70 million internet pages, so it is unlikely to find the texts later on. 

This far my texts have produced only people trying to steal my reputation or maybe eating some Christmas cookies, but no books sold, and I wonder do they even read my texts at all. 


( 10th of December 2024   My 1 450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices (remind of the piece of healthy natural ways of living or of wisdom of life according to positive feelings, that typically most lacks from people with such an illness) in Finnish has not sold any, except what I myself bought. 

No such ranking though seems to mean no books sold, not even to me. I do not quite understand why there would be any right to demand anyone to write of important things because those are valuable input, if none is going to safeguard such for future use. And also wage would have been needed. It seems that there isn't much left of civiliced ways. ) 


12th of December 2024   "Obs.  These are skills taught thinking of the whole world, so you ought to be able to get a lasting positive effect from each text, if you so wish. And regain it by reading the same pieces again, if you have only forgotten it. These are not a diary and not just atmosphere impressions of some moment somewhere in the wide world. 

Start from or 




( 26th of January 2025   Of the treasure chest style wooden box that I once built,

10th of February 2025   My texts' basic message: ages old wisdom is still valuable. 


12th of February 2025 

13th of February 2025   Of jewels there are also what are called "the three jewels of Buddhism" which is one of the major world religions: Buddha: there was already some person/persons who managed to find happy life with wisdom this way in practice, Dharma: there are advices for better life and wisdom which one can study, and Sangha: the religious community of people wanting to try to find happiness this way, happier life wishing wisely well for the world

Oh, of my own texts, you can find the advice "As if like a crown jewel" via the page 

If one wants more jewels, I would first recommend the texts in my blog "A Sorcerer" via the blog post "Through the world we wander singing" 

Then I would recommend for you to try (my texts in) my free ebook at , or in whichever of my books here at you are most interested in, for example or my Christmas gnome / elf skills texts at .

Or did you search for this:

14th of February 2025   In the news there was an article about a Moomin exhibition in a sea myseum in Kotka, and in the end of a video in the article there were fine looking jewels. It has been many times in the air that my Christmas gnome subject gets compared with the Moomins, kind of softer life and harmony is similarly searched for.

My text of a guess of how to make "jewels" of coloured transparent plastic 

Friday, October 4, 2024

The central themes of my books are near summer cottage like life and the wilderness guide course

So I would classify the texts as: 
* Of tale like subjects: skills of Christmas gnomes/elves, and A Sorcerer, 1.-3. 
* Liked books of nice subjects: Magnifient views and nice to live in, Wonderful miracle like beings, and maybe Of walking in beauty.
* Books of weathers and outdoors: Living with the four seasons, roughly the same in Finnish, Weather skills for all climates, transmations of poetry of Eino Leino & of Kalevala's beginning, Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living.
* Some people's work like subjects: Work and feelings, healing advices and solving environmental problems.
* The later books in the Christmas gnones/elves skills subject are like having written because some want to hear my view of that subject, but without so much yo say. 

4th of October 2024   The later books&booklets in the Christmas gnome/elf skills subject feel like I cannot carry them well. Those are as if written because some wanted to read my view of those things too, but somehow that is too far from of what I knew a lot or what I can carry well in life. Maybe it is partly a question of those being just collections of texts, without me having anything more to say in the subjects. I do not feel like it being a place suited to me to be some central person in such subjects. 


The books available at ( see my page ) or free versions here at .


(Somewhat) summer cottage like life possible (year around) in towns with trees, grasses, flowers, etc, a global view:

 See for example 

The Christmas gnome skills series start from, i.e. the first chapter of the first book "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" is at 

See also or the first book as a blog 


A news picture today a moment ago 

It is ok to translate my books or blog texts to other languages, but the translations are considered tge works of the translator(s), and my texts are just one of their sources, since much of what people get understanding from reading etc, is connected with the understanding, culture and climate of the writer, and such typically change in translation. So it is like in school's or studies' writing exercise with the source(s) at least partly on another language. 


Easy nice healing advices at i.e. in the blog 

Weather skills advices for all climates at and at links from there. 


The internet address ought to lead to this blog post. Obs. These texts and internet are with a global view! 

But I do not have a summer cottage, and haven't been on one for 15 years. It is just my books and blogs that I feel that people who long for life on a summer cottage would like to read. 

Of warm winter clothes, these are unusual in that they bear moistness, so they can ve used also at other times of the year, (for a cold pet similar ought to be ok, or put a human's shirt on it and keep it in your lap, see also at the end of the Finnish list of advices at a link from )  or 

My book "Living with the four seasons" 

At links from (red background highlighting on the blog page) it's autumn part are two lists of advices about getting warm when indoors: 

(In Finnish about how to lessen one's need of food via more wisdom of life followed,   "Laihduta hauskasti" If you tried to ask some animals, they maybe guessed that you ought to eat/have eaten one green grass leaf or so. )

Of life in the very north, tundra etc, seen from the southern Finland 


5th of October 2024   About jobs more according to feelings, see the book "Work and feelings" and the Christmas gnome skills blogs. Links to both in the above link list, above the picture of the book "Magnifient views". (For needing quickly a little bit of money, someone might pay you 5 or 10 euros for some nice blog or book of mine that they wanted. For getting quickly a 1 000 euros one could try miracle healing someone by the healing blog's advices, since such is difficult to achieve in practice and so I have the impression that the one creating the favorable situation gets paid the sum, besides such can bring unlucky influencies, so many cannot do such, but the miracle healing advices in my healing blog leave a nice atmosphere.) In a small town rents are often lower, so if you like such a town, it is one option that some consider summer cottage like life, see 

Of a flu there is an advice in the autumn part of the book about the seasons, and the same in the healing blog. 


14th of December 2024   Many of my texts are one paragrapf long advices in learning some talent or some wisdom of life or some fine-tuned skill. So mostly those demand paying attention to feelings, atmospheres and slight sensations like in musics and in sports. So you cannot learn them at all as well if you read them in the toilet. Especially clear this is maybe of the healing advices. But for reading while travelling those ought to be ok, and of course meant for reading at home on one's free time. 

28th of February 2025, Kalevala Day     There is also my blog "What one can learn in warmer countries of Finnish summer cottage life" 

4th of March 2025   (" "Paradise science"? 

 As I had written to my previous blog post also the word "Uni-versity" as a name attempt for Helsinku, I came to wonder if my texts at large, the teaching material kibds of texts I have written, should be called for example "paradise science" so that others would kniw that those aim to be some objectively thought of skills, and so would not automatically remove all such things from their kids or other environment. 

Free versions of my books at 


If one would think of this as a paradise science, there is at least the paradise theory plus texts about wisdom of life and about learning skills.

"  From in my blog

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The books in this blog this far

See the side panel of this blog for links to the texts. 

* * *

15th of September 2024   I tried to make search keywords for my texts here, and the word "stunning" brought to my mind the Finnish word "tunnin" meaning "of an hour" for example in the expression "a lecture lasting for an hour". I do not have that much new to say about these things, but if someone would like to keep lectures in nice subjects demanding rationality, maybe my texts would offer such subjects. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Efile: "Pikakoulu, koko koulu yhdessä vuodessa, yritelmä"

 Tämä aihe kiinnostaa monia, joten tässä se kirjan alkuna. Blogi jatkuu kyllä pidempäänkin. Sitä ennen kirjassa on yksi engl teksti ja blogi netistä useampi postaus kerrallaan kopioituna. Tietokoneongelmien vuoksi nyt vain tekstitiedostona .

Huom. Aloitin blogin jo olikohan 2011. Oikeastaan en olisi kirjoittanut muuta kuin ajattelukyvyn ym taitojen kehittämisen ohjeita, mutta jollain henkisellä tai hengellisellä tai virtuaalisella puolella joku ala-asteen opettaja, joiden koulussa olivat lyhentäneet kouluviikkoa tai koulupäivää ulkoilua lisäten ajattelukurssini suomien mahdollisuuksien myötä, jotenkin pakotti minut aloittamaan Pikakoulu-blogin, vaikken itse ollut pääsdyt lyhyemmällä opinnoistani, vaikka taitojen puolesta olisi pitänyt. Ennen koulua oletettiin että aikuisia järkevämpänä ja vastuuntuntoisempana en joutuisi menemään kouluun, mutta valehtelivat aikuisten huonon laadun minun puutteikseni ja laittoivat kouluun. 12-vuotiaana rehtoni luokan edessä sanoi hänen ja opettajuen mielipiteen olevan, että olin jo oppivelvollisuuteni suorittanut eikä olisi mieltä enää minun käydä koulua. Kuitenkin jouduin käymään vielä peruskoulun ja lukion sekä 6 vuotta inhoamiani matemaattisten alojen opintoja yliopistossa. Niin en olisi kirjoittanut Pikakoulu-blogia, vaan vain taitojen, lahjakkuuksien ja elämänviisauden taitojen oppimisesta vinkkejä. Kun Pikakoulu-blogin alusta oli kymmenisen vuotta, luin uutisista oppivelvollisuutta jatketun 2-3 vuotta, käytännössä siis lukiokin tehty pakolliseksi, vaikka se oli fakki-idioottimaisuuteen tähtäävä kaikkiin ammatteihin suunnattuun peruskouluun verrattuna. Mutta koska koululaisia masentaisi, jos tämä aihe otettaisiin pois saatavilta, kun se kerran joskus on ollut, niin jatkoin blogia ja tässä se muiden kirjojeni myötä kirjayritelmänäkin, tosin blogin alku vain. 

The ebook ought to be available also at , 1usd +tax, insrant download and unlimited simultaneous usage allowed. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Book/ebook "Traditional Skills Have a Place in the Modern World"

The book's texts are of the blog and of the posts of the blog until marking 23rd of August 2024 of a new book. 

The book/ebook ought to become soon available at .

The by far most wanted text of the book is (which interests especially men wanting children and people interested in high skills). This text too seemed to interest too many others so much, that I had to give my paperback book immediately to the local public library instead of bringing the book home. 

Ebooklet "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family"

 You can buy the booklet or ebook from , which is surest.

But you can also download the free version from .

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Ebook "Of trying to heal the world" & of the series "traditional culture's wisdom"

 You can soon find the book or ebook at .

Or you can download it as an efile, for free from .

Or you could read it in the original form as the latest texts at .

* * *

These four books in ghe picture are of the series "traditional culture's wisdom", of which the third book would have been "Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" and my last book "Of those upon the Earth..." would be the last in the series. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Like books usually or because of being asked to write about one's insight

 I have written only some of my texts from the point of view of how books usually are written, and the rest largely because there was some demand for my views kn the air, lije grandparents writing something because of having been asked for, instead of having high skills in just that area and in a way that forms a whole and leaves them kind of central in that area of lufe. 

My book like books include the paradise theory books and other material of that kind, plus my books about the four seasons and about healthy ways of living, plus I thought needed the book "Alanvaihto haaveammattiin", and the thinking course. 

But the rest of my books, or most of them is written because of some demand in the air, not because of my view being a book like ready whole. 

In my 20's I had a good thinking ability and wusdom of life, so much of these thoughts and skills are from those times, remembered and many still used, but when writing I have had those times lots of influencies from others plus occult problems, so the remembered thoughts and skills have not been checked when writing as well as origonally. I guess that it was somebody's idea that then the readers would check them well, and such is of cpurse a good goal, but usually the writer should be a forefigure kn it, kind of give an idea of how widely the thoughts apply, what are the different types of grounds for them, etc. But especially lately that has been lacking. And due to occult problems, most of the subjects just somehow were in the air, or found in the news or the like, and I feel that occasionally there are some things entirely wrong, like for example I write because many of these are original thoughts of mine, much needed in the world, but somehow the subjects got cjosen with tale like headers - I guess since such texts too were longed for and maybe read widely kn the world. 

* * *

"I got an email saying that my youtube channel has been removed and that I cannot have any youtjbe channels in the future. The reason was fakes, trash content and/or paid content, and the impression was that the violatilns were recent. But I haven't made any videos during the last few months if I remember right, and very few videos during the last three years, or some short ones I have made but it is already a quite long time ago. But I have collected videos to playlusts, mostly music videos of others plus some other videos of others plus some old videos of mine every niw and then. Maybe slme such playlidt lacks a wished for link to my books and ebooks: and . My books mostly teach talents and skills and are quite outrageous for many at first glance. Those may also demand some time for thoughts afterwards, or somehow change the sphere of attention to other free time hobbies etc. " 

* * * * *

My books' blog with more screenshots 

If it does not depend on the browser, one could by clicking the pictures enter into a detailed picture viewing view where one can easily read the texts etc. 

26th of July 2024   I wrote to the search keywords that advices like in these books of mine, are maybe what often is wished for from the women's magazines. But I am writing on a very general level, since such is my strenght and these kinds of skills etc were needed all over the world. Besides, my level of being socially interesting compares with a docent in the university, mostly ok for getting to know some facts but not enough for a lecturer. So the skills taught in my texts should be taught by some other more interesting writers before they fit magazines etc, abd anyway those need to be adapted to the local lives etc, so my books ought to be jyst one of the available sources for journalusts and not ready for magazines. 

But the Christmas gnome skills texts might make an internet magazine or some long series of articles or booklets? There is one link to such an ateempt and it looks nice, but I did not get it any more ready and the texts are longer, need cöicking ooen. I jyst rythmed it according to the pictyres, of which maybe half at least were afterwards added years ago. 

27th of July 2024   I am not just some writer. It is essential to notice that I am an objective thinker. As far as I know, I am the original source, kibd of the inventor of many thoughts and skills, comparing with Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton, but my thoughts and skills are of different subjects, and I have written many of them. On some mental or spiritual side I have at least earlier been told that people/ some person with my type of strenghts are born as humans once in a thousand years or not so often. Also on some mental side I am told that I am or have been the best thinker, thinker type of writer or something like that of the human kibd nowadays, of which people remember "feelings, rationality and moral for computers". Likewise also of other subjects I have tried to write of my strenghts, instead of knowing any other Finn or other person who could have written the same, kind of the original info. I have tried to write for all ages, from school age to 100+, and writing for a global audience, at least mostly. I have unusually much wisdom of life and at least have had a large capacity in thinking etc. 

My human environment usually has not shared my values, goals and comfortable areas of life, even though they many may have claimed so, since I have tried to follow quite many recommended choices and have had good skills for school type of thinking and wisdom of life of my own. So many life choices which appear like differencies in skills are often differencies in goals between me and my social environment, kind of people feeling comfortable with different amounts of each thing, and so they also develop different skills and have different amounts of and different kinds of life possibilities. So it mostly isn't true that anybody from some group could replace me, or that I ought to follow the wisdom of life of others instead of mainly my own wisdom of life and fully my own social skills. 

Please observe that in my blog the ebook downloads are free, and of course the blog links free too. And that at and my ebooks cost mostly about 1usd, with immediate download and sometimes unlimited sharing. But some of my ebooks there are more expensive, typically about 3usd. 

Of women's wisdom of life, see 



It ought to be possible to write comments under these blog posts. And book feedback under my books' and book series' pages at links from if you have read that book or read some of it and can describe whom it would suit, what was it like as a reader experience. 

* * * * *

6th of August 2024   It is intentional that the cover pictures of my books are kind of detailed atmospheric landscape like visual, instead of blurred. With somewhat such wide landscape like view of life and of the world, my thoughts are mostly just mentioning some areas in the landscape, and that is what is needed for the skills and talents & wisdom of life which my books teach. So with such a detailed landscape like view like picture of the world my advices about learning skills etc ought to be easy to learn just by reading through. But with blurred pictures or without any landscape like view in use just then, the message would be left obscure, demanding too much further school like studies and interest in such wisdom of life. 


13th of August 2024 The practical applications differ 

* *

23rd of August 2024   I found a video : a cat went to neighbours to borrow a tiger plush toy , so I guess such explains why I have come to write amazingly lot, especially about Christmas gnomes / elves. 


6th of September 2024   None of my books, booklets and ebooks is a tales or otherwise fiction, except that I have translated some old Finnish poems to English. I have classified most or many of my books to the group "Self-help: happiness". 

For people to find my books maybe the readers' estimates on the book's page would help, which would demand buying the book or ebook, and as ebooks those are much cheaper, especially because there is no postage fee. But it may be that one who estimates some book is in some way left with that book, so I could mostly have commented only on some poems or the Tao-te-ching book that I used to read a lot, or Finns often about Kalevala. 


The original videos used to be at a video playlist with the name of the book. 

Maatalouskoulun lopputyöni 1998 blogissa mutta vaikutelmani on, että siihen olivat jotkut jotain omiaan lusäilleet tai muuten muuttaneet. En sitä niin nyt katsonut mutta lopussa kohta tuhohyönteiset ainakkn toi moisia mieleeni. Joka tapauksessa se on siis oppikurjoista lukemalla opeteltua eikä mitään omaa kai tarkoituksella. 

Yliopiston lopputyöni oli matematiikan alalta kategoriateoriasta, niin ikään vain kirjoista luettua, mutta ainakin jokin lasku oli käyty läpi, mikä oppikirjassa ei sen pituuden vuoksi ollut. ( Mutta matematiikka ei ollut oma valintani, vaan sinne vain jotenkin jouduin pakotetuksi, kenties siksi, kun äitini ehkä oli kamalan lahjakas uusien matemasttisten ideoiden keksimisessä ja piti matematiikasta kovin, oli isänikin kai matematiikan laitoksella tavannut, ja kesäyliopistossa koulun jälkeen matematiikan opinnot aloitettuaan valmistunut niiden osalta kai jo vuoden loppuun mennessä, mikä kai oli niin epätavallista, ettei kommunikaatio matemaatikoiden kesken sujunut, ja niin Riitta Karkiainen/Hari vaihtoi muihin opintoihin ja teki työuransa aivotutkimuksessa TKK:lla Espoon Otaniemessä. ) 

Minun (Kaisa Hannele Tervola) elämäntyökseni jäivät nämä nettiblogit ja kirjat. Lisäksi olen opettanut koiriani (2010-2011), mistä myös on blogi. Myös sävellyksistäni ja maalaamisen opettelemisesta on minulla blogit. 

9th of September 2024   Obs. In the pieces of advice that I have written, often already one advice can be a wide subject if applied to practice, kind of as if a hobby like skill, and especially much so I have thought when writing the Christmas gnome / elf skills advices, see for example the earliest posts of this blog. 

These advices, especially the Christmas gnome skills etc, seem to heal quite much of the stomach pains that the modern (city?) life seems to bring to many women. I have the impression that as I have written of the skills for a Christmas gnome /elf like life in the modern world, quite many politicians have read them at least sometimes, one or a few, in the morning as if in a newsletter to make a better day and to make their influence better, but one must remember that the advices are theoretical observations on a very general level, meant for a world-wide audience in different climates, and not a social style. (8th of October 2024   Of newsletters one needs to remember that such easily lose the info, why one us receiving the email, so the header should be such that it explains that, maybe something like "Texts for softer life: theory and skills" or "Paradise theory etc". ) 

10th of September 2024   In the subjects that I have written about, there are quite many which can bring at least some travellers to where I live, so that seems to be one reason for me living in town, and so I am not as likely as otherwise to move to countryside, and so I have no such skills to offer. And I think it is good to have both town and countryside, like summer cottages, but I haven't been on a summer cottage for 15 years either. 

13th of September 2024   Subjects that can bring visitors to the wide area, are at least 

* Feelings, rationality and moral for computers, 

* My objective paradise theory, 

* My blog about teaching my dogs to write, (but it seems dangerous here, mostly onlu bullterriers on a walk), 

* my Christmas gnome / elf skills books, see

* easy nice miracle healing advices, see


* my book "Knitting Tips : Nice knitting", see

* my book "Living with the Four Seasons", 

Etc, etc

(There are links in this blog to the texts.) 

22nd of September 2024   I tried counting the Christmas gnome / elf skills advices this far, and estimated that there are some 3 200 of just them, plus my other texts loosely in the subject area. 

For the first time I wonder if this really could be some degree to study for, but on the other hand, what matters most is what one does in practice, what are one's values and quality, does one wish fairly well in the world? 

3rd of October 2024   I have the impression that amazon or kdp offers for libraries stronger paper, stronger binding etc, or something of the kind, since the use is different and on the other hand much like the goal in making books. So I jnderstood that such is for the same price, but I do not remember from where I got the info or was it just an imoression in some choice of wording. 

* * * *
(3rd of October 2024 )  "Laitoin kirjoittamiani kirjoja vähän vähemmän esille tai siis ene.män pinoihin, ja tulin huomanneeksi, että niistä jotkut aiemmat olivat kovin toivottuja kun taas monet viimeisimmät tonttutaitosarjassa yhdentekeviä ja vähän kuin elämääni puuttuminen eikä yleishyödyllusyys alkaisi olla niiden aihe, viimeisimmät ovat kai olleet sellaisia, että jotkut ovat siitäkkn aiheesta halunneet kuulla minun mieliouteeni, jos se vaikka selventäisi aihepiiriä, vaikken oikein mitään enää osaa sanoa. 
Niin sitten katsoin kirjojeni listaa blogipostauksessani ja tuumin, että viimeisimmät kunnolliset ovat llleet joko jotain vanhoja blogejani, joihin joku uusi kirjoitus on tuonut kiinnostavuutta, tai sitten yleisesti maailmassa kaivattuja kiinnostavia aiheita kuten engl parantamisohjeet ja pikakoulublogi. Muuten kunnollista on lähinnä viime vuiden 2023 lokakuulta, eikä kai myöhemmin kuin yksittäisiä kaivattuja tekstejä mutta joskus puuskittain. Yksi aihe, kenties ainia, mitä on lusäksi kysytty paöjln, on elämä Lapissa ja tundralla. 
Hyviä uusia kurjojani ovat Work and feelings, Weather skills for all climates, ja Of walking in beauty. Sitä ennen erityisen pidettyjä olivat kirjani A Sorcere, 1.-3., Wonderful, miracle like beings, ja Magnifient views and nice to live in, sekä aiemmin toki tonttutaitokirjasarja. 
Living with the four seasons, paratiisiteoria, ajattelukurssi ja The far future with computers, sekä robottitarinat, ovat tavallisten kirjojen tapaisiksi luokittuvia, kun taas nuo tonttutaidot ym myöhemmät vähän kuin jutustelumaisia, että kerropas vielä siitäkin, eli ongan siinä ikäero, paitsi vuodenaikakurjoituksessa. 

So I would classify the texts as: 
* Of tale like subjects: skills of Christmas gnomes/elves, and A Sorcerer, 1.-3. 
* Liked books of nice subjects: Magnifient views and nice to live in, Wonderful miracle like beings, and maybe Of walking in beauty.
* Books of weathers and outdoors: Living with the four seasons, roughly the same in Finnish, Weather skills for all climates, transmations of poetry of Eino Leino & of Kalevala's beginning, Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living.
* Some people's work like subjects: Work and feelings, healing advices and solving environmental problems.
* The later books in the Christmas gnones/elves skills subject are like having written because some want to hear my view of that subject, but without so much yo say. 

4th of October 2024   The later books&booklets in the Christmas gnome/elf skills subject feel like I cannot carry them well. Those are as if written because some wanted to read my view of those things too, but somehow that is too far from of what I knew a lot or what I can carry well in life. Maybe it is partly a question of those being just collections of texts, without me having anything more to say in the subjects. I do not feel like it being a place suited to me to be some central person in such subjects. 

9th of October 2024   I wonder if quite many readers of my texts have misestimated how common my skill level is, thinking that quite many people they know could write roughly such - but coukd they write such text after reading my texts, or could they, without gavkng learned such originasly from my texts, produce on their own similar or somewhat better teaching material of those subjects? 

I think tgat many errors in people's thinking ability are due to not making easy surely correct mechanical kinds of estimates and basic classifications in one's everyday experience supported by the civiliced picture of the world. So many of my texts seek to teach such skills, without altering the perceptions at all, just getting some great benefit from that basic level of rough structure in one's observatilns, like for example surely the same or similar but because of such and such factors guessed as the same. More advanced picture of the world for computers would need this too, but it does not mean that humans ought to live without such. 

22nd of December 2024    The later blog posts 2nd of October 2024 onwards, at least at , and , do not seem to make a book or books, since those somehow do not carry so well and not so evenly. So they somehow do not fit the criterions about what to expect. And collecting just some texts from them woukd require me to read them and I need very much ordinary life first and continyally ordinary lufe too, and anyway, if all the texts do not carry, then it maybe isn't so good to read them as if like my earlier books. Somehow jyst the feeling isn't right. 

23rd of December 2024   Originally I planned to write maybe a 100 or a little bit over pieces of text each teaching some thought or possibly also a few about skills. That was about an engineering like structure analyzis of structures in the pictyre of tge world of the natural sciences, suppirting healthy natyral ways of livibg and healthy natyral wholes, so supporting largely the traditional civiliced view of objective thinkibg at large. As such it woukd have been simikar to school's and academical view of what I could write. But like academical people usually, I had some understanding also around these things and about lufe at large. So maybe some school teacher wanted to kniw what my theory said in oractice, what kinds of wisdom of life, ways of folliwing feelings, ways of thinking, etc, maybe ghey so wanted me to write my view of such too. And when I did not kniw what to write about, maybe someone picked Christmas gnome like life as subjects which can be of many different kinds, yet collect some wished for insights. But so I wrote much too much comoared with my level of skills and experience of life. And so the quality got more unsure and uneven, even more unwise across time. 

("Of my Noteflight composer profile pictures")

 ( "  My Noteflight profile at   " I had not quite un...