Thursday, January 18, 2024

"Short Melodies Of Snow" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola


Or as pictures here: 

Kirjat "Ratkaisuja ja ongelmanratkaisuvinkkejä ympäristökysymyksiin", 1.-3. + Google transl. "Solutions and problem solving tips to environmental..."

 Alkuperäiset tekstit ovat blogin alussa ja blogille on jatko-osakin .

Kirjoina ne voi löytää nettikirjakauppa Amazon ista sivultani . Luulen, että ne ovat kirjoina selkeämmät, koska blogin alkuun selaaminen on urakka. 

Jaa, kun kerran eilen sain uuden kirjani ladattua in sivuille, niin nyt kai onnistuivat nämäkin. Eli noiden kirjojen tekstitiedostot pitäisi saada ladattua ilmaiseksi klikkaamalla näitä linkkejä. , 

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( " 16th of June 2024   One could try by choosing translate an internet site from Finnish to English, and use the internet adress 

I got the page

But one must remember that the translations may be made by criminals, at least my nice healing blog translated to very evil, so one must not believe everything that one reads. 

Trying the translation to the first book from the blog, I got the file which you can download from , but I haven't checked it through, since it is so boring and often impossible to read one's own text so, but at least the beginning seemed good enough to read. (I have about 110 blogs and these books are only maybe half of one of them. You can see the list of my blogs in my profile, and quite many of my books at ) 

The first blog is about twice as long as these three books together. The second blog isn't as good but it too has quite many posts. 

" )

* * *

27th of September 2024   I collected my blog to a new bookket or ebook. The ebook ought to have unlimited simultaneous device usage right. Soon available at .

Ebooklet "Guardian angels: Find better life and wisdom"

 You can find the text and video  at

Booklet "Christmas angels (around oneself in the living environment)"

 You can find the same text as a blog post at

Soon after it there is in the blog the text of the booklet about guardian angels, but it aren't so successful. 

Both one can in principle find at .

Booklet "9 Short Robot Stories"

 You ought to find the booklet "9 Short Robot Stories" written by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, as a blog at . The booklet "3 Short Robot Stories" was an earlier version of the blog. 

Both you can find as ebooklets or booklets at the internet bookshop. 

A book "Knitting Tips : Nice knitting" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola

 You can find these liked knitting tips as parts of the blog post 

Or as an ebook (i.e. kindle) or a paperback book at .

You ought to be able to download the ebook "Knitting Tips : Nice knitting" by Tervola, for free  from 

Please notice that it is a nice book, about nice kntting and not intended for fighting. You do not need to read just this ebook. 


Kirja "Alanvaihto haaveammattiin : Näin opit lahjat ja taidot ja vaihdat sosiaalista lokeroa"

 Nämä sopuisat ohjeet ammatinvaihtoon kaukaiselle rakkaimmalle haavealalleen löytää blogista tai pehmeäkantisena kirjana Amazon-internetkirjakaupoista. 

WISDOM OF LIFE: Book "Living with the Four Seasons"

 As a blog version, see

Where there is also a link to a Finnish language version: vuodenaikojen elämisen ohjeita, sis. lämmittelyohjeita

As a book or an ebook, search or see .


Easy nice Miracle Healing Advices, Ihmeparannusohjeita, "Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla" osat I-III

 The Finnish originals, some 1450 pages of miracle healing advices : 

"Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla", osat I - III,  kirj. Kaisa Hannele Tervola, ovat blogissa joka on nyt pari vuotta löytynyt myös osoitteella . Kirjoina ne ja jos haluaa, niin ihmeparannusohjeet erillusenä vihkosena voi ostaa nettikirjakaupasta, tekijä Kaisa Hannele Tervola. (Nämä kolme kirjaa ekirjoina noin kolmella eurolla . 29.5.2024 Alensin juuri hintaa kolmesta usd yhteen usd/kpl. )

In English, see the blog 

Read especially my translation of the index, at  , to which there is nowadays the shorter link 

At there is a translation, found by Google or by my browser, of the indexes with cure guesses after each roughly referred illness. In the beginning of the blog there are some tens of advices well translated, but because of cultural, climate, etc differencies, the index just helps in guessing while most of the healing advices have to be figured out and written down by locals of each place.

The advices are nice and help immediately after reading and understanding, or do not affect at all. So it is ok to read the indexes or the text when one has a free time like way of studying. If one reads whole entries also when bladdring the indexes, it does not make one feel like reading about medicine.

The healing advices consist of pieces of healthy natural ways of living and wisdom of life according to positive feelings. If you want to help somelbe, it ought to be enough to read aloud the pieces which seem to help.

But there may be sabotage, so if something isn't nice in a healthy way, or if the approach is evil or burdened by illnesses or by lack of healthy common sense, those may be written by others or just do not work, so don't follow them. 

I just came to think that a female thinker who has written 1450 pages easy nice miracle healing advices, maybe cannot have a husband without extra dames wishing to learn such from him. So maybe there could be a possibility for some large groups (like for example big countries (China?, Brazil?, USA?,...), each for their own type) adopting the task. 

Some (/most texts from the) earlier versions of the blogs can be bought as books or ebooks at the Amazon internet bookshops. 

12th of August 2024   For learning insight of how to heal oneself, especially in different countries, cultures, in different human types, skills, likings etc, a good advice ought to be my advice "As if of a naturally healthy family", see 

15th of August 2024   You can find the advice "as if of a naturally healthy family" also from my book/ebook/blog "Wine like fascination in life" .

( 1st of September 2024   Of the types of wisdom of life according to feelings, that is often sought from culturally benefical sounding places, see also .)

WISDOM OF LIFE: "Skills of Christmas gnomes" (9 books + 3 + 5 + loosely connected texts)

 Advices for a Christmas gnome/elf like life in the modern world : A dream job and living in a town or village that one likes and always admires it's culture's wisdom of life, etc, advices in life skills, but much much too many of them.

You can download the first book as a text file for free from , but it ought to be a large file 8.15M.

You can read the beginning, and even all the books at and at links from there. The first book includes the 9 first chapters and some of the texts at links from them.

Or try my magazine like view to the first chapter's texts, at , but it needs you to change to the computer like view on your browser.  

The later books of the series are much thinner, all together roughly the same lenght as ghe first book, which though has my book of the four seasons at it's end. 

There are 9 +3 = 12 books or booklets in the series. 


3rd of April 2024   These "Skills of Christmas gnomes" books 1.-9.,  by Kaisa Hannele Tervola,are continued by 

and after them there is in the series the book 16. "Understanding the North".

These too you can to a very large extend find here at : 

10. - 12. 





And after these, the book 17. "A Sorcerer : A view of the wisdom of the nature", which you can find as a blog at .

One could continue with 18. "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living", see 

One could add also the book 19. "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in", see 

And maybe 20. the Christmas calendar, see

and the booklet 21. The best fact language is like music. 

22. Maybe the booklet "A Sorcerer, Book 3. : Some big dove's wish" 

After that one could read (during Christmas?) the poems of 23. Eino Leino, and Kalevala. 

24. "A Sorcerer, Book 2. : Skills for Harmony" 

25. "Work and Feelings" 

20th of May 2024   "  I have written about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, on a very general level, using words like "work" or "school", "free time", "dream job", "chores that one likes", etc. So if one understands the text, there mostly isn't anything personal or atmospheric in the text itself. It is just objective thoughts and theoretical pieces of one's picture of the world. But when one thinks of those kinds of things in one's own life and maybe in the lives of the people that one knows, those are typically strongly experienced things that vary a lot from one individual to another, and propably much more between people of different climates, cultures, towns, etc. So if there is something well working or touching feelings in what you have read in my texts, that is usually your own view and not from my experience. So it ought not come as feedback. It is meant to help you in yourlife, andmy text was just on a general level suited to writing to a global audience of people of different ages etc. "


29th of May 2024   I just lowered the prices of most of the ebooks in this series. The first one is was it 906 pages as an ebook, so it is still 3usd but most of the ebooks of the series cost 1usd (+ tax) each, so maybe one can better buy more of them. But some were only paperback, or somehow a lower price was not possible. See 

Now almost the whole series (23 ebooks) costs a little bit under 30usd plus taxt which I guess is 10%. 

13th of June 2024   The whole series, except the Christmas calendar, as paper books: 

14th of June 2024   These four books of mine ought to have unlimited simultaneous usage allowed if one buys them as ebooks at .

Books "Wisdom of life for Christmas elves" 1. - 3.

 The booklets/blogtexts contain also advices about learning to compose, or rather of the music like wisdom of life of the natural ages old sides of everyday life, of it's rythms, things done, etc. 


( In booklet 2. click also the link )

Or (the covers are new versions) 

These three booklets contain mainly quotations from my earlier texts. 

WISDOM OF LIFE: Book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings"

 You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT . You can both spread this link or a link to this page and/or copy the downloaded book text file to others too. It ought to have pictures, and the few videos are on a playlist at the video site .

For other options, see post 17th of January 2024.

( 29th of January 2024   With one new remark you can find the file at .) 

The central themes of my books are near summer cottage like life and the wilderness guide course

"  So I would classify the texts as:  * Of tale like subjects: skills of Christmas gnomes/elves, and A Sorcerer, 1.-3.  * Liked books o...