Thursday, December 19, 2024

Maybe my most liked texts

(Obs. I write about learning high skills, talents and wisdom of life. My texts are not stories, even though the subjects may be interesting in a tale like way.  Kaisa Hannele Tervola) 


Some of my friendly tale figure like SKILLS blogs :  ( via that also feeling robots, paradise theory and of animals in space )

Study in the Christmas gnomes/ elves internet institute to become a Christmas gnome, an elf, an angel, a hero, a miracle healer, an emperor and/or a composer : i.e. starting from 

Skills for a Christnas gnome / elf like life year around, world-wide, in the modern world  (dream job or a job that one likes and a town that one likes to live in, etc plus lots of wisdom of life, talents, etc, a long series of books teaching skills, talents and wisdom of life ) 

"A sorcerer" i.e. 

Other subjects: 

" Magnifient views : and nice to live in" 

"Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" 

Easy nice healing advices, by mentioning the typically most lacking piece of healthy natural ways of living and by wisdom of life according to positive feelings, plus miracle healing advices i.e. my blog  , ( parantaminen terveiden elämäntapojen ja tunteidenmukaisen elämänviisauden avulla, sekä ihmeparannusohjeita ) 

"Work and Feelings" 

"Living with the four seasons" and maybe also "Weather skills for all climates" 

* * *

21st of December 2024   

"Start a career as a Christmas gnome! 

 Study for a career as a Christmas gnome. Nice life year around with meaningful achievements that are wise in the world. See  ( ) " 


7th of Fenbruary 2025 

20th of February 2025 

23rd of February 2025   Some sports philosophy (the English texts lately at) 

( 1st of March 2025   Good to notice: Of the difference of a story figure and story figure like life of a being ) 

("Of my Noteflight composer profile pictures")

 ( "  My Noteflight profile at   " I had not quite un...