A new bookler / ebook of the blog https://tryingtosolveglobalwarming.blogspot.com
Also available as an ebook at www.amazon.com with instant download and unlimited copying allowed.
Only in the internet! MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com BLOG LINKS AND FREE EBOOKS, and traditional books or ebooks ("instant download"): 1usd+ (about 1euro+) at the Amazon internet bookshops, especially at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola , buing via one's local bookshop or amazon's bookclub can smallen the postage fee. Books' advices mostly at a very general theoretical level with a global view. Recommend to your library? Many classified to "Self-help: happiness", teaching skills, not stories
A new bookler / ebook of the blog https://tryingtosolveglobalwarming.blogspot.com
Also available as an ebook at www.amazon.com with instant download and unlimited copying allowed.
You can downliad the book for free from https://www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/ofthoseupontheEarth.docx
It ought to be soon available at www.amazon.com
See the side panel of this blog for links to the texts.
* * *
15th of September 2024 I tried to make search keywords for my texts here, and the word "stunning" brought to my mind the Finnish word "tunnin" meaning "of an hour" for example in the expression "a lecture lasting for an hour". I do not have that much new to say about these things, but if someone would like to keep lectures in nice subjects demanding rationality, maybe my texts would offer such subjects.
You can download the efile for free from www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/AnimalsInSpace2.docx .
The ebook ought to be soon available at the internet bookshop www.amazon.com with instant downliad and unlimited copying allowed.
The booklet 1. available in this blog at https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/booklet-animals-in-space-inhabiting-new.html , or at www.amazon.com
You can download the file for free from www.angelfire.com/planet/paradisewins/OfHeartSutraandlife.docx .
The book / ebook ought to be soon available also at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola . The ebook costs some 1usd and has unlimited copying allowed.
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