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Sunday, May 5, 2024
Book "Work and Feelings" by Tervola
There is a free download of the ebook "Work and Feelings" from . Or you could buy the book at where there is also a Look inside -option. (The kindle ebook sold at for about 1usd with "instant download", ought to have unlimited copying allowed, but I do not know if that relates to sharing some account.)
15th of May 2024 The text about the need to shorten school to some 5 years of school, you can read at .
22th of May 2024 I guess it is good to add these thoughts to one's picture of the world, but putting them all to practice depends on the persons, on the work at hand, etc, so it may take a varying time depending among other things on the thought in question.
24th of Jumy 2024 The book is from the blogs "Work, Feelings and Money" and "Get more free time!" .
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You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT https://www.ang...
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The Finnish originals, some 1450 pages of miracle healing advices : "Parantaminen terveisiin elämäntapoihin vertaamalla", osat I...