You can download the text & pictures file of the book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" (Advices on finding/creating such views) by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, for free from (Obs. CLICK THE LINK).
"This book contains advices in skills of creating magnifient views and nice indoors for living. The advices are on a very general level, aimed at people of all ages all over the world. The main advice is to build on choosing things that you like, for example hobbies, favourite areas of life, colour symbolics good for living, fascinating views central in arranging where to watch out from the windows, choosing according to your liked way of life, living where such suits the traditional culture. "
The ebook has really many pictures. If the colour pictures disturb you, the paperback book with black and white pictures is much more neutral.
The book is aimed at a global audience.
The kindle ebook sold at ought to have unlimited copying allowed, but I do not know if it is tied to being of the same group, famiky or the like.
The texts are from the blogs , and .
(3rd of February 2025 If you are not looking for so fine, but instead for basic feeling well at home, study what your area's basic education says about what to care for when a teen or a young adult for the first time moves to live on one's own, has a home of one's own. )